Saturday, June 21, 2014

Better language, worse sleeping habits

The medical update first:
No news, really, which is good news.  Zevi continues to take 6MP supported by anti-nausea medicine; as of today an antibiotic has been added as a preventive measure - since the immune system is now somewhat suppressed, the meds are helping to keep various bugs at bay.

The Boston grandparents have been in town for a week.  Grandma Lina flies back tomorrow, while Grandpa Misha will stick around for another week to hang with us.

The only really major change to the lifestyle so far has been the night time ritual.  The one aspect of our life that was well-organized has taken a substantial setback.  As a result of a particularly rough week, Zevi now expects someone to sit in the room after the lights are out.  Further, some time between midnight and 3 he wakes and is quickly transferred to our bed, where he sleeps with Alla until 7 or so.  I migrate to the office and sleep there until Benjamin wakes up, which can be 7, and can be 5:40 - depends on a day.  We understand fully that we have ruined the routine.  We also understand the routine can be re-established at the cost of a couple of days of conflict.  So far we do not have the stomach for that.  So it goes.

Just because I have not been mentioning language skills lately does not mean there has not been huge progress.  Benjamin talks incessantly.  Continuous live broadcast from Planet Benya.  Zevi speaks less, somewhat less clearly, but makes his point understood just the same.  The various pearls of the boys will be described here periodically.  Today Benya got a haircut and, in a moment of vanity, asked "Am I handsome?"  Zeva done something similar a few days ago, after being dressed nicely and watching his reflection in the mirror: "I am so handsome!"

Clearly, they got the language from mom who was dressing them for some event or other.  Most of the speeches revolve around fast cars and powerful trucks.  In Zevi's case, a very impressive array of verbal jiu-jitsu is displayed when avoiding eating.  Same verbal display, by the way, continues to be matched by Grandma Rita's unending patience.

Benya has started to pick up a little English.  On one occasion he pointed to a toy and said "this one!" in English.  So far - an isolated incident.

On this note - the joint force of grandparents has given Alla and I the night off.  I am going to take advantage and run.

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