Monday, June 16, 2014

Been about ten days since my last post.  At this point Zev is feeling a little better.  He still eats badly; the only person who can get him to eat consistently is his grandma Rita.  In that she reminds me of a glaciers: slow, infinitely patient, unstoppable.

The plan, as of this point, is to proceed with donor 1.  The donor has been informed by OHSU that we would like to go ahead with them.  Planned check-in date at OHSU is in late July.

In the mean time the boys have been to the McMinville Air and Space museum (some pictures later) and liked it a lot.  We did not visit the "space" end of the museum, but wondering among the airplanes was worth the drive.  They also go to stand on top a MiG 15 and a T-34.  That's old school soviet jet fighter and WWII era tank, respectively.  Grandpa Tolya had a blast with them.

Two days ago the Boston grandparents flew in for a visit and today we went to see the dinosaurs at OMSI.  The exhibit is impressive even for adults.  Most dinosaurs are to scale, the move and roar.  Boys had a blast.  As usual, Zeva was a little more adventurous while Benya worried about all of us being eaten.  In the end, we left dinosaurs behind and headed to the usual areas of the museum.

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