Friday, July 11, 2014

feeling better and back to poop

In the last couple of days Zevi has been feeling better as 6MP does it's job.  He still puts up somewhat of a fight about taking the anti-nausea medicine, but that is minor.  He eats more and is in better spirits.

Next week will be appointment-heavy, as Zevi prepares for his July 22nd check-in: blood draw, check-up, a visit with a dentist (see you soon, unlce Kirill) and a surgeon.  Alla and I will get to read all about the mechanics of the transplant, about the side effects, and then sign the concession form.  Alla has done the reading while I have been a bum about it.  Can't wait.

It comes to my attention that it has been a long time since I have written about poop here.  Blood - check.  Vomit - check (a little).  Poop a urine - not recently.  So, here goes...  The boys have shown some interest in using the potty.  Benya actually peed and nominally pooped in one, for which he was praised and rewarded with a toy (red Porsche 322, for the detail-oriented).  Zeva did not actually produce, though he did try enthusiastically.  His reward was a blue Mastretta MXT (Mexico's first supercar).  The night after for no good reason at all each talked his way into a stylishly gray Lamborghini Sesto Elemento.

The night after that I was out of supercars, so that's enough for a while.

Zeva at the park, 7/9/14

A lot more Zeva at the park, same day

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