Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Donor 1 confirmed good, bloodwork stable

Today donor 1 (the original first choice) confirmed.  The detailed schedule should become clear by the end of the week and it will hinge, to some degree, on the availability of the surgical team to put the central line in.  To have the donor confirmed is a relief.  Now they have to watch themselves for the next several weeks.

Today Zev also had a weekly checkup.  The numbers look good - white blood cells elevated some, but not bad and platelets nowhere near the transfusion range.  So - we continue with 6MP.

Both Benjamin and I are temporarily banished from the house for sniffles and a sore throat, respectively.  Vika, Michael, and Rafi have kindly put us up for a few days.  Should nothing change, we will consider moving back in a day or two.

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