Monday, June 24, 2013

delayed birthday party took place, bargaining

This weekend we celebrated (a little delayed) the boys' second birthday.  Rain hardly stopped us, we had a lot of fun.  Thank you to all who joined us.  Hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed seeing you.  In other news, the park is still there.

Yesterday Zev made another step towards becoming a full member of society - he started bargaining.  When Alla picked him up to take him upstairs at bed time, he indicated he wanted a train and a few cars with him.  Alla told him he can have one train.  Zev looked at her and replied: "dva!" ("two!").

Pictures to follow.  Since this is Zev and Ben's blog (sorta) most of the pictures will be of them, with them, or of their immediate family.  We do have a pile of awesome shots, much too many to post here.  I am working on a drop box location where to plunk them all, including two videos.  Those who were at the party will get the link, everyone else can have it by request.

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