Tuesday, June 21, 2011

two weeks and counting

It is very late, so I shall keep this posting brief.

Yesterday, on Monday, the boys celebrated their two week mark.  Even better - they both have surpassed their birth weight, as measured during a check up on Sunday.  Monday also saw the first time Alla was away from the boys, on a check up of her own (were she was pronounced recovering very nicely).

We are now also in full search of a nanny, with some hopeful leads, as we realize that absence of a nanny leads to despair and madness.  The search and the experience itself will no doubt provide all manner of hilarity, so stay tuned.

The weekend was good - first father's day congratulations are much appreciated, and Alla got to enjoy her first half-glass of wine in quite a few months.  The boys continue to improve rolling and head-holding skills.  I look forward to them getting more mobile with anticipation as well as a fair amount of dread.

The saga of installing the car seats in the stroller rolls on.  Evidently, pretty much no one in continental US is willing to provide tech support.  I am now in touch with a nice lady in the Netherlands, who asked for pictures of the pieces installed on the frame.  Which will be somewhat challenging to provide, since installing pieces on the frame is exactly what is not happening.  On points, round two also goes to the stupid plastic pieces.  I still, however, hold out hope for an upset knockout in later rounds.

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