Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day +55

Today was another good, important day.  The good important news of the day was that the second chimerism test showed 100% donor cells again!

For those who care: Chimera is a creature in Greek mythology comprised of many animals.  Since the recipient of BMT now has DNA of two people, the test to see whose DNA is in the blood is called "chimerism."

The blood test numbers are essentially unchanged - platelets a tiny bit up, WBC and ANC a little down, HGB also a tiny bit down, pretty much within range.  Also, we now have a schedule for ratcheting down the dose of the immune suppression drug.  In other words - we are moving forward.

The diarrhea seems better today, but sleep is getting worse.  Last night between 10 and 3 I was in Zevi's room every 45 min, give or take.  At around 3 I growled at him hard and bought us another hour.  At 4-something Zevi decided he wanted to sleep on the couch with me.  When I promised a timeout instead Zevi called for mom specifically and got her.  It is hard to tell to what degree this is a control exercise and to what degree there is actual discomfort.

Benya is still with the grandparents for the weekend, which leaves us free(er) to do battle with Zevi for something resembling normal sleep.

This night is an improvement already - it is 11:30 and I have not been in Zevi's room yet.  Let's hope he gives us a break tonight.

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