Thursday, May 29, 2014

a few small updates

We now know that neither Benjamin nor Rafi are matches for Zev.  Of the 5 potential donors found so far three, in fact, are in the US and two are foreign.  That is all we know at this point.  The situation is neither great nor dire.  At present the 5 have been contacted with a request to go into the hospital for a blood check.  We do not expect news on that front for at least two weeks.

Over the next few days we will start a large donor drive to try to find more matches, provide more options.  Even one more option can help.  All we need is one, good one.

Please hang in.  We are still working out the logistics of how to organize the testing in the most expedient manner.

In other news: Zev spiked a fever, was taken to the hospital, given a dose of antibiotic and a fever suppressor.  Pneumonia was checked for and ruled out.  We were sent home.  The change in the kid was remarkable - he went from clingy and thoroughly miserable to rather engaged and lively.  He is still not eating almost anything, however.  The plan is to start him on a very low dose of a drug called 6MP (mercaptopurine).  It is a chemo therapy drug, but given in very small doses should reign in the rampaging white blood cells.  If Zevi's system responds well, he will likely feel better, might get higher platelet counts and even might have more of an appetite.  This is by no means a cure, but a stopgap measure to make the wait for the donor easier.

For the last two days Benjamin has been staying with his grandparents, spending a lot of time with cousin Rafi and aunt Victoria and uncle Misha.  He is doing well, adjusting to kindergarten.  He misses, but he is being a trooper.

The last bit of news.  Today was the last day for our nanny Aunt Olga (Tetya Olya) with us.  She is moving to another state to be with her kids, to rest a little and help with the newly arriving grandkids.  Tetya Olya, you are amazing and we will miss you.  Good luck!

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