Thursday, February 21, 2013

new words, new skills, new haircuts

It has been some time (as always) since the last update.  The boys have grown some and learned a few new tricks.  For one, there is less fighting lately and it is much less one-sided.  In other words, Benjamin has learned that hitting his brother is not a great idea while Zev learned that hitting to protect his toy or book is an option.  We do try to keep the violence to a minimum, however.

Onto more fun stuff.  A couple of weeks ago our wonderful nanny was helping the boys up from their daytime nap.  In the daytime gloom (remember, Oregon, January, darkened room) Ben grabbed a book.  Aunt Olga told him "It is too dark to read, Benya.  Go turn on the light."  To her shock, Benjamin did.

Zev has gotten very good at saying "вот эту" (this one) while pointing to a book or a toy.  He continues to love to point at letters and have us repeat them.  Last week he pointed to a letter and asked "что вот эту?" (lose to 'which is this one?').  Few days ago I presented him with a choice of two new cars and asked which one he wanted.  He pointed to one and said very clearly and confidently "вот эту."

Interestingly, Ben, the more aggressive, is also more willing to share.  Not always, of course, but very often I will ask him for a toy and he will give it to me or to Zev upon request.  Benjamin also is now a master of shape sorter toys.  Zev is pretty good with them too, but he rarely has the interest to go through all shapes, while Ben will get them all in, dump the shapes out, and start again.  Occasionally he gets frustrated when he cannot figure out how to turn the shape to make it fit into the right slot.  But he manages.

Both boys now recognize the letter O.  Zev at least also knows A and E.  In general, Benjamin says less but does more, while Zev is more interested in watching, letters, and numbers.

The split is also apparent in their attitude towards new people and animals.  And here "new" means anyone the boys have not seen over a week.  Zev is much more trusting and willing meet the new entity.  For instance, he loves meeting dogs and petting them.  Ben, on the other hand, takes time to warm up to people and prefers dogs from a couple of feet away while sitting on my knee.

Most recently Ben surprised us by learning to say "thank you" after a fashion.  When someone gave him a new toy, Alla said "Benya, say 'thank you!'" without really expecting enything beyond a smile.  Ben turned to the person and bowed his head slightly.  He then repeated the gesture immediately and again, in front of me, the next morning when Alla asked him to thank me for something.

Some time ago the boys also got their first haircuts in the special place.  All I need to know is that everyone lived and I am glad I was not there.  I was told it went relatively painlessly.

Sleeping continues to be a challenge.  Zev wakes at 5:15 to 5:30 like clockwork, and then wants to sleep some more with mom.  Recently, however, he wakes up Ben who then does not go to sleep.  So, there is really no point to try to get Zev out of the room quickly.  Thus, Alla and I decided to bite the bullet and get the boys to sleep till 6.  This morning, after two rounds of blankets flying and some serious yelling, for about five minutes it looked like Zev would actually go back to sleep and let his brother rest too.  Then reality set in.  Onward we go.

Pictures?  Where are the pictures?  One day at a time, people.

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