The boys continue to get more sophisticated in their perception of the world. They easily point out mom, dad, aunt Olga, themselves, and each other. Zev recently started showing interest in letters and numbers - he loves pointing to letters and having me say them. In fact, he prefers that to looking at pictures. Ben has gotten much better at letting Zev sit in my lap, and usually gets a book and 'reads' on his own. After a few minutes, however, Benjamin decides he wants some of my attention and brings over a couple of plush toys to offer me. The boys are also getting much better with the toys that involve fitting geometric shapes into the appropriate holes.
Both Zev and Ben are getting very good at navigating stairs up and down. Recently both of the boys have shown interest in dragging around a broom, which we naturally encourage. Beyond that - there is the usual running (and falling), climbing of adults, and changing eating habits on daily basis.
Over Thanksgiving the Boston grandparents visited us and all together we went to the Children's Museum. The water section was a clear hit.
Getting started. 11/23/12 |
All geared up with Grandma |
Zev having fun |
Grandpa Misha, a lecture in fluid dynamics |
Ben is having fun |
Love the broom idea! :) Cute little boys!