We are currently in day six of the antibiotic course with Benjamin. The meds seem to be working - Ben is consistently in a better mood and has been sleeping well (t'fu-t'fu). He is pretty used to the routine by now, and takes his 5ml is five or 6 sips, with milk to wash them down in between. Sometimes he obligingly lowers the bottle and opens his mouth to get the meds.
The interaction continues to improve. In the mornings the boys are usually glad to see me and want to spend time in my lap. This often leads to jockeying for the best position. While reading, there is usually room enough for both, but when they decide to explore my head (beard and teeth are of interest presently), someone sooner or later ends up slapping me or his brother. They get one warning and on second offense are summarily expelled from the lap. For the most part, things work.
Today also I observed a brief instance of genuine play between Zev and Ben. Zev was in my lap, Ben was just serving out his sentence behind my back for slapping his brother. Ben crawled around me and peeked at Zev. Zev moved is head and peeked back. For the next 20-30 seconds the boys played peek-a-boo with each other, using me as an obstacle.
The other change is at night time. The boys now consistently prefer to be in their beds while we sing to them. As I have written above, being further away from our singing is motivation enough. I imagine they will be applying to live-in day care by phone and mail any week now. In the mean time, they may stand or sit while we sing. When we finally go to give them a good night kiss, however, the boys immediately lie down flat. We brush our teeth, I swear. I personally brush mine at least once a week, whether I need to or not. We think they may be afraid we will pick them up. In the end, we sing, the boys are in their beds and lying down, we exit. Good deal.
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