Recent few days included a collection of various events, some fun some less so. Among the "less so" category is runny noses added to teething. That, for example, resulted in sleep ranging from "OK-ish" to "really miserable". Also, in same category, is now increasing stubbornness when comes to food and being placed in the high chair. That one is mostly Zev's territory, as Benya is happy to eat pretty much whatever he's given, from cheese to blackberries. The both grad and drop stuff, as expected, and both are getting rather good at defending their noses from mucus removal.
The boys are also getting good at sitting up and more proficient at crawling. They say "mama" and "papa" more and more convincingly. When in the mood, they might also wave "bye" - not surprising, since every time someone leaves, whoever is nearby runs right over, grabs their arm and shakes it while saying "wave bye-bye!" and grinning maniacally. On one occasion, as I was coming down the stairs dressed for work, Ben looked up, and said once, very quietly and clearly, "bye", and went back to his yogurt.
The boys certainly don't play together, but they are aware of each other. The best I can figure each thinks of the other as another toy. This morning I saw them looking at each other. Half-sitting on the floor and staring, occasionally making a noise. I think they react to the fact that the other one is moving. The moving party is then expected to produce flashing lights and sing a song (this is what most toys do these days). When the brother fails to do so, they go back to more "normal" toys.
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