The recent few weeks have been marked by the (absent) teeth, on Ben mostly. Pretty much, Zev now sleeps through the night and Ben (we think due to coming teeth) wakes up. A lot. Now, I know that "a lot" is a relative term. My father, for instance, never tires of reminding me of his own personal record of getting up over 30(!) times in one night. Well, I can't top 30 (yet?), I suppose. In interest of not sparking the next round of one-upmanship I will spare you, my gentle reader, the details of how long Alla was up last night and how many times Ben would wake, cry at the monitor for a couple of minutes, fall asleep - only to wake again in a few minutes more. And that after the Tylenol. Zev, on the other hand, with remarkable cool just lay there with his eyes open, no doubt thinking "OK, fair is fair. I cried when he slept, so no he cries while I want to sleep. I will just wait it out..."
Anyhow. In other news...
Mobility: on one occasion, in the mood, Ben practiced backwards crawling, lobster style, and covered about a foot and a half. Push with hands, butt in the air, slide the legs, repeat. Funny. Zev, on the other hand, is getting quite adept at scooting on his butt. I believe he also has recently covered a couple of feet in one...scoot.
Communication. Ahem. Ben continues to occasionally say syllables like "Ma" and "Ta". Whenever he says "Ma" an even number of times, some biased persons claim he says "mama". Your humble narrator is inclined not to oversell and leave it at "Ma".
Well, it is 7:10. Zev is asleep, Alla has been trying to catch up for the time she spent trying to persuade Ben to sleep. Ben is fed.
Oh, wait, Zev just woke. Off I go...
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