Tuesday, November 22, 2011

another picture and a few thoughts

Dad and Ben in blue, Nov 20th

The boys continue to show divergent interests, if not personalities.  Ben is mostly "left-brained" - less fussy about food or falling asleep, he is all about new information.  If held in front of a painting, Ben can stare at it for minutes, his open-mouthed attention never wavering.  Ben rarely misses a chance to stay awake outside, recording everything.  During the recent trip to the Children's museum, I was told, Ben could not get enough of the new impressions.  Zev, on the other hand, is all about experience of the senses - "right-brained".  He likes his boob, he likes physical closeness more than his brother.  While he is more prone to sleep during outings, Zev truly enjoys the newly discovered form of indoor entertainments: being tossed up by dad.  Airborne Zev had an awesome time, while Ben was a lot more skeptical about the whole experience.  Zev cries more often, Ben rarely, but when he does - boy, do the neighbors know...

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