Monday, September 5, 2011

the long weekend

Tomorrow the boys are three months.  More importantly, they had a great time over the long weekend.  The boys had a visit from the Boston grandparents.  The said grandparents were delighted to take part in all activities, comparing how things changed since the first two weeks.  This time around the boys were clearly more responsive, much more willing to "talk", especially Benjamin, who is more than happy to hold up his end of a conversation.  Zev is not in a talkative mood quite as often, but is also willing to communicate at the right time.  The boys are also discovering mirrors and lights (both readily available at one of their changing locations).

Besides being more talkative, the boys are now better at tracking people and sounds, at least sometimes turning head towards the speaker.  They continue to be fascinated by moving and singing toys, but level of attention seems to be increasing nicely.

The boys also had a great park outing where they saw (and were seen by) lots of friends.

Before I am asked - our camera is out on assignment currently.  However, the Boston grandparents had a camera with them, as did some of the friends at the park, so please be patient - the pictures are coming.  Also, enjoy the videos in the previous post.  I learned that posting video as videos actually works better than telling the blog that they are pictures.  Which happen to be large and moving.  Go figure.

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