Friday, September 9, 2016

First week of Kindergarten

First of all, it is my pleasure to inform everyone that Zev's Chimerism came back 100% donor (go Ryan's cells!) and we are now officially on the 6 month checkup.

This week also saw a few firsts.  On Tuesday the boys went to Kindergarten
Very clearly, Zev would not be where he is, off to school, without quite a few different people, starting with our amazing donor.  Here is to you, Ryan!

On Wednesday the boys were home (kindergarten wisely splits the first day by last name) Zev got taken for vaccinations.  He is now officially caught up with all his vaccinations.

Today boys got to ride the school bus with other kids.  As usual, Zev could not wait and was the second one on the bus with a quick wave goodbye.  He dodged past three older boys to get on, I guess one got ahead of him.  Ben hung back for another hug, and then he was off as well.
9/8/16  Get ready, school!

Good to go!