Monday, October 31, 2016


We tried and to Halloween, like normal families.  We started by decorating the house.  The project was designated PORTA DENTATA
Making the eyes, 30-Oct-2016

Got the eyes and some teeth on Sunday
Then the rain washed the eyes off.  Oh, well.  PORTA DENTATA shall return.
Then we curved some pumpkins.  Not too bad for a first try.

And then we went prospecting for candy, like all normal people.  Prospecting gear:

If you are not sure who is who here - I am sorry, you might be at the wrong blog.  Happy Halloween!

Friday, September 9, 2016

First week of Kindergarten

First of all, it is my pleasure to inform everyone that Zev's Chimerism came back 100% donor (go Ryan's cells!) and we are now officially on the 6 month checkup.

This week also saw a few firsts.  On Tuesday the boys went to Kindergarten
Very clearly, Zev would not be where he is, off to school, without quite a few different people, starting with our amazing donor.  Here is to you, Ryan!

On Wednesday the boys were home (kindergarten wisely splits the first day by last name) Zev got taken for vaccinations.  He is now officially caught up with all his vaccinations.

Today boys got to ride the school bus with other kids.  As usual, Zev could not wait and was the second one on the bus with a quick wave goodbye.  He dodged past three older boys to get on, I guess one got ahead of him.  Ben hung back for another hug, and then he was off as well.
9/8/16  Get ready, school!

Good to go!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Still August 14th

Been a busy, eventful few months:

Benjamin on a swing, in Mexico, June 2016
Ready for blast-off, June 19, 2016

Life found on Mars!

Life on Mars is just as goofy as here

The artists working together, June 29th

... or solo.
Why should brother have all the medical fun?  First cast, July 29th 2016

He seems OK with the chamo cast.

Day +731

Day +731, Dan here
Today is exactly two yeas since Zev received his life-saving transplant from his blood brother Ryan Zimmerman. This is a great milestone, one that seemed infinitely far away mere two years ago.
Zev's 24 month checkup went great. While we still await results of Chimerism test, the blood test results were great and, pending the Chimerism, Zev is now on a six month checkup schedule.
Thanks to Ryan's blood, Zev is now a charming, stubborn, fearless, infuriating, sweet five year old who is getting ready to kindergarten in a few weeks.
July 7th 2016, Sunriver.  Zev enjoy some high-flying time.

And some climbing time

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day +685, another quarterly check up goes well

Last week we got results of the latest quarterly checkup.  Once again, Zevi's Chimerism test came back 100% donor!  The rest of the blood work looks great as well.

Zev continues to feel well, play well, eat selectively, but well enough to satisfy mom and grandmothers.  He communicates remarkably well, learning English rapidly and asking one of us for a word he does not know once in a while.  He also continues to have epic fights and meltdowns once in a while.  While I understand those are (at least somewhat) normal for a just-about-five year old, they are still hard to take.

Benjamin gets excellent reviews in school, speaks English with no discernible accent (like he was born here, right?), and still runs like the wind.  He particular approach to misbehavior is "fuss early, fuss often".  He also backs off sooner and does better accepting consequences of misbehavior.  As a result, warnings work better with Benjamin.

For reason I cannot understand that last two soccer classes both of the boys showed more interest in playing (as oppose to, say, lying down to watch the clouds mid-game).  Zev, when he is 'on', can grab the ball and drive to an opposing goal with determination.  Benjamin has shown grit in defending the goal for his team.  Plus, Benjamin both runs and swims well ahead of most kids his age.

At least three times within a month I have seen the following: at some public venue Ben is being moody and grumpy (see fussing, above).  In each case, an adorable little girl materializes and wishes to comfort Ben and hold his hand.  True to the sullen 5-going-on-15 form, Ben ignores the young lady.  In the mean time Zev swoops in, introduces himself, and tries to entertain the young lady Ben is ignoring.  His persistence paid off in one case out of three so far, but I do anticipate greater success in his future.

Over all, the boys are growing.  They can be trying and, for me at least, incredibly emotionally draining to wrangle.  I do hope that within a year or two they will become a little more rational and a little less ruled by their emotions.  The warnings and requests (as oppose to threats) do elicit compliance once in a while.  Dare I say, a tiny glimmer of progress?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Big Island, Day 2

After about a two and a half our drive, we arrived at a gorgeous place called Akaka falls.

A long drive was followed by a near mile long hike and both of the boys walked on their own to the main waterfall, including quite a bit of stairs.
Mom and Zev at Akaka falls

Tired Ben and dad at same falls

After the gorgeous water falls we headed for the Volcano National Park.  But first we stopped to try some fresh coconut.

Turns out fresh coconut and coconut juice is delicious and nothing like what one gets off the island.
Grandpa, dad, and Zev heading over to the volcano's edge

Zev is impressed
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By the way, the stuff all around is is steam billowing out of the ground.  

Sure, you can come right over

Yes, that is a steaming whole in the ground

Looking down into the caldera
sure it was a little grim, but we still liked the place
If you are wondering where Benjamin is: he was a little tired and chose to hang out in the car.

Grandparents by the steam vents.
By the time we got to the lava tube it was getting dark and both of the boys were getting very tired.

Alla in the tube

And then it was time to look at the volcano!  Turns out it is very difficult to photograph burning lava in the dark.  Especially if you are an amateur.  But Alla got the pics!

Yes, that's a volcano

Turning the Earth

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hawai'i trip, Day 1

Of course, gots to go to the water:
3/7/16, boys with the rainbows
view of the bay

Benya among the trees

Chillin' Zev

Ben returning to shore

time to dig!

And then we headed up to observatories on Mauna Kea.  The visitor center is at 9200 feet and the rental van was struggling for oxygen by the time we got up there.  The temperature went from high 80s to just above freezing in the two hours we drove up there.  The boys were tired and Benjamin and mom spent a bit of time resting before joining in the fun.
Zev, grandparents, and Linda with a native Silversword plant.
Yes, these are clouds that the road disappears into

The setting sun paints the hills
We got shuttles!
Looking at the stars.  Tired ...

... but still goofy
By the time we got  back to the hotel.  Waiting for the train in the lobby.