It has arrived! Today is transplant anniversary!
To make things more exciting still, we now have our donor's information! Until we speak with him and confirm, I am going to refrain from posting any details here. We do hope to speak with this wonderful young man shortly. Please stand by!
In the mean time: last night we participated in the BeTheMatch telethon hosted by KATU TV station. Alla "volunteered" me to be on camera along with Zev, who acted perfectly until we started filming, and then he acted very much the mischievous kid. Before we went on we got to meet a nice gentleman, a future pediatrician, who was someone's donor earlier this year. Very call.
Following Zev's TV appearance we got a tour of the TV station, compliments of Patty Nieman of KATU News. Zev got to see the Director's booth while the broadcast was wrapping up, and then the news set.
Career path? |
and here is the link of Zevi and I on KATU2