Today Zevi had another monthly appointment. It was a long, but very good day. It was long because Zevi got the (possibly last) infusion of pentamidine. This one goes in via IV over a couple of hours. And if all goes well - today was the last one.
The blood numbers look very good. White blood cells are down a little, neutrophils are down a fair bit, but this is consistent with Zevi fighting off a bug (which everyone in the family now had, I am the last one). Platelets are up to 294k, second highest since BMT. Himoglobin is also at excellent 11.8.
Zevi appears to be clear for travel and public pools, even. We are still staying away from indoor public spaces due to the flue season and lack of vaccinations - those are due to start at a year post transplant if all is well.
Of course, blood was also taken for the monthly Chimerism test and we await the result anxiously. In the mean time - it was a great day. Here is Zev's picture from today.
2/24/2015 |