I think it has been around two days since the last post. Two nights at least. The day (or day) have been more or less OK, with more fussing from Zev than usual, but definitely manageable with the four of us here. The boys continue to sleep well during walks. The two nights, however, have been significantly worse than normal. Zev woke up several times, screaming his head off, and would not be placated by being fed or carried around.
The first of the two nights, after some long pacing around in the room (during which he yelled periodically), we gave up and moved Zev downstairs. This was done to allow Ben some sleep. The kid has been showing some angelic patience, sleeping though several hours of whining not four feet from him. When I made yet another attempt to put Zev down in his bed - which produced full on screaming - Ben woke up and yelled himself. Zev finished the night downstairs, with Alla and my parents taking shifts sleeping on the couch next to him.
The second night we were resolved to make Zev sleep in his bed. At first, after the 7 pm feeding things seemed to going well. By "well" I mean that Zev had two bouts of yelling and I was able to keep anyone from going in, and Zev piped down on his own. Third time (all within an hour and a half) Alla went in, and I was lectured extensively on the how rules of sleep training do not apply to a sick child. A lovely family discussion followed and the night went downhill from there. Zev woke up screaming at few times. Either the first or second of those found me walking with him, and walking quickly out of the room to give the ever-patient Ben a chance to sleep. After the screaming stopped being continuous - that is to say there we occasional ten second pauses in it - I gave Zev back to mom. Good timing, too, as I was reaching boiling point. It was all very impressive, really, as it was only a quarter past eleven. I remember waking up a handful more times. One to keep my parents out of the room - on Alla's orders - to let Zev cry it out, as he was merely whining, not yelling full throttle. A couple of pacifier insertions for Ben. A couple of times I saw Alla dart out of the room. I also recall hearing Alla say "I don't know what to do" several times.
All in all, the last two days we have been living inside a contraceptive commercial.
The posting of cute happy pictures will resume soon.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Boston grandparents arrive; a questionable first
On Friday I had a day off. I was rather looking forward to spending some time with the boys in the day time - as well as to some time away from the boys in the day time, if you know what I mean. The boys, however, had other plans entirely. They woke up crankier than usual, at different times, ate poorly, refused to sleep, and generally gave aunt Olga hell. Zev, the elder brother, took the lead role in this. By shortly after 11 am it was clear my great plans were doomed. The boys required both of us to keep them from crying and Zev raised concerns with aunt Olga who though he was coming down with something. With schedules miraculously again in sync by 1 pm, I seized the opportunity to take them for a walk. The next two and half hours were downright pleasant. The moment we left the garage the boys fell asleep and remained so. I found a bench, parked the stroller, and read my kindle. The boys even let me drive them right into a coffee shop to get me a latte. After 4 pm the sun set, the temperature dropped, my bladder complained, and we headed back in.
At home Zev was all smiles for about ten minutes, and then went straight back to the cranky, hold-me-or-I-will-scream self of earlier that day. Aunt Olga and I held the fort as best we could until mom arrived. With Zev fed, it was also clear his eyes were read and puffy. A temperature reading revealed a 38°C fever. It was official - Zev was the first of the brothers to get sick. What a way to greet the grandparents.
With Zev drugged up on baby Tylenol, the house was (sort of) in order and I was off to the airport. There I met my parents and, as casually as possible, informed them of the fever, one (so far) conversation with an on-call physician and what was likely ahead. My parents kept their cool. I was immediately treated to a partial (due to finite length of the ride) recounting of my own ills during the first six months of my life. All was in order.
The night went reasonably crappily, with Zev never quite yelling at full throttle, but being on the verge of it for a while. By 1:30 I had three almost-trips in the babies' room. After that Alla told me to rest and I passed out. I do believe she made some unspecified number (greater than 5) of trips to feed and comfort.
The day brought more fever, more Tylenol, yet two more walks during which both boys slept like little angels. In Zev's case, very feverish, cranky angels upon waking. By 6 pm it was clear that the fever was not responding well to the meds and hovering in the vicinity of 39°C. The on-call doc (call number three) confirmed that we should probably get Zevy seen by someone. Likely, in order not to have us call him twice-daily for the rest of the weekend. Grandpa Misha and Ben remained home, while the rest of us piled in a van and set out for the ER.
At the ER things went very smoothly indeed. With no wait at all Zev was admitted and the fever was confirmed. An LP and urinary sample via catheter were done. While those were no picnic, and Zev let us know that, I can only say those have nothing on the whole circumcision experience. One and a half somewhat nervous, slightly noisy hours later we were told that all tests were clean and we were sent home. The diagnosis is a viral infection with expectation that fever should break in a day or so. Until then, we offer food, drugs, comfort, and just ride it out.
At this point Zev is finally asleep. Alla, as she put it, is not sure whether she more tired or more hungry. We will plan the shifts of monitor duty, though there not much hope of rest for the provider of the one food Zev loves best. Once again, we will take things one hour and one feeding at a time.
Happy Holidays!
At home Zev was all smiles for about ten minutes, and then went straight back to the cranky, hold-me-or-I-will-scream self of earlier that day. Aunt Olga and I held the fort as best we could until mom arrived. With Zev fed, it was also clear his eyes were read and puffy. A temperature reading revealed a 38°C fever. It was official - Zev was the first of the brothers to get sick. What a way to greet the grandparents.
With Zev drugged up on baby Tylenol, the house was (sort of) in order and I was off to the airport. There I met my parents and, as casually as possible, informed them of the fever, one (so far) conversation with an on-call physician and what was likely ahead. My parents kept their cool. I was immediately treated to a partial (due to finite length of the ride) recounting of my own ills during the first six months of my life. All was in order.
The night went reasonably crappily, with Zev never quite yelling at full throttle, but being on the verge of it for a while. By 1:30 I had three almost-trips in the babies' room. After that Alla told me to rest and I passed out. I do believe she made some unspecified number (greater than 5) of trips to feed and comfort.
The day brought more fever, more Tylenol, yet two more walks during which both boys slept like little angels. In Zev's case, very feverish, cranky angels upon waking. By 6 pm it was clear that the fever was not responding well to the meds and hovering in the vicinity of 39°C. The on-call doc (call number three) confirmed that we should probably get Zevy seen by someone. Likely, in order not to have us call him twice-daily for the rest of the weekend. Grandpa Misha and Ben remained home, while the rest of us piled in a van and set out for the ER.
At the ER things went very smoothly indeed. With no wait at all Zev was admitted and the fever was confirmed. An LP and urinary sample via catheter were done. While those were no picnic, and Zev let us know that, I can only say those have nothing on the whole circumcision experience. One and a half somewhat nervous, slightly noisy hours later we were told that all tests were clean and we were sent home. The diagnosis is a viral infection with expectation that fever should break in a day or so. Until then, we offer food, drugs, comfort, and just ride it out.
At this point Zev is finally asleep. Alla, as she put it, is not sure whether she more tired or more hungry. We will plan the shifts of monitor duty, though there not much hope of rest for the provider of the one food Zev loves best. Once again, we will take things one hour and one feeding at a time.
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Second night of first Hanukkah (for the boys)
Last couple of days were a mix - some things going smoother, some less so. The amount of eating going on at night is still unclear. I am inclined to let Zev cry it out two nights and be done with it - he did go four days straight with no eating at night was none worse for the wear. Alla is more inclined to indulge him, since she knows lots of cases when kids eat at night much later than six months. How "normal" that I do not know. Only what leads to more sleep.
While I usually post pictures in time sequence, these two should be posted tonight.
While I usually post pictures in time sequence, these two should be posted tonight.
12/21/11 after lighting the candles |
Another day
The day that followed the previous night was, as expected, crappy - the boys ate poorly and slept poorly. by evening we were all bracing for another adventitious night. Alla's mom, bless her courageous heart, insisted on spending the night against Alla's wishes, in order to take the early morning shift. The surprise, however, was in how smoothly things went. The boys slept through most of the night. Zev was fed around 5, and then they both fell asleep.
Something very unusual happened to me this morning. I was woken up at 7 am by my alarm clock, while in bed. Which was a pleasant break from the recent routine. The boys, actually, slept until 8. It is now late on Tuesday (OK, early on Wednesday). So far so good.
Something very unusual happened to me this morning. I was woken up at 7 am by my alarm clock, while in bed. Which was a pleasant break from the recent routine. The boys, actually, slept until 8. It is now late on Tuesday (OK, early on Wednesday). So far so good.
12/8/11 Zev |
12/16/11 Zev again, happier this time |
12/17/2011 Ben at the store |
Surprised Ben |
Monday, December 19, 2011
Two steps forward, one step back
Last week Alla went on a business trip. For a day and a half, one night away from home. That left me and aunt Olya with the boys for two days, two evenings, and one night in the middle.
The first day went well and the evening went as expected. The 6 pm feeding went mostly OK - took a bit too long, as Zev was expecting boob and was resisting the bottle for a bit. The feeding took longer than planed and by the end Ben was very sleepy and rather cranky. Yet the routine was followed: reading, changing, singing - even if singing was accompanied by a crying Ben. To beds they went and after a few minutes all was quiet for a while.
And quiet it remained until about 3:45 am. Ben piped up, received the pacifier, and was asleep in two seconds - as planned, this time. The next noise came from Zev, definitively, at 5:45. Shrotly, Ben was up too and it was clear they were over the sleeping thing for the night. The boys were changed and fed, and were playing downstairs under Shawna's supervision. Off I went to bed to get my last half hour of sleep.
That night Alla returned and routine resumed. The remarkable thing was - for once, no one ate from 7 pm to 6 am. The same happened the following night and I became cautiously optimistic that the night feeding was done with. Don't get me wrong, there was still getting up to do, and playing with / feeding around 6 am, but still - no feeding from 7 pm to 6 am was something. I started thinking of visiting the gym again.
The "good life" lasted for two more days. Last night Zev cried around 10:30 pm and in rushed Alla, to comfort him. Which prompted Zev to cry harder and Alla to feed him. I came in, hissing that feeding Zev was the wrong move, as was picking him up. Alla relented, and the only-partly-fed Zev went back to bed. Now, he was furious - the boob was given, then taken away. Zev yelled indignantly and woke up Ben, who yelled about being woken up. Alla wanted to rush back in, but I barked that she has done rather enough for one night; I patted each screaming baby on the head, and settled in the office, listening to the yelling. Alla was crying while listening to the same duet in the bedroom. About 7 minutes later both performers were asleep. Naturally, at 3 am Zev woke up and was fed again. The monitor remained on, so was treated to the pre-feeding yelling in full. I walked into the room, hissed some more about the intelligence of feeding Zev twice in one night and setting us back in sleep training, and went back to bed. I remember being woken up at least one more time after that. Then it was 6:15, crying was coming from the monitor, and it was my turn to take care of the babies, so Alla could sleep in peace a little.
By 6:20 I was entering the babies' room. With a headache, in a foul mood, pissed at myself for being in this situation and at Alla for setting us back from four straight nights of no night feeding. The changing-playing-feeding Ben routine followed. Some time after 7 aunt Olya arrived to take over the duties and Alla came down to feed Zev. I went to clean up, computing work lateness with and without an assembled sandwich. Just as I was leaving, I did one more thing to share my Monday morning cheer. I freely shared with Alla that, on balance, I indeed A*B*S*O*L*U*T*E*L*Y L*O*V*E my life, every single day of it.
With this, here are some more cute pictures of babies. Welcome to the Kaplan House.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
6 months
The boys are 6 months now. The half year has gone by pretty fast. Memorable, miserable, yet much better than it could have been. Ben has met his half-year mark with a rather rough night (likely - teeth). This evening he took some time falling asleep at 7 as well. He was not amused, and not shy letting us know about it. He does continue to eat and quiets pretty quickly if picked up. The 10:30 feeding went well, with minimum fussing, and we hope for a better night.
In other news, mom has gone a bit nuts with a new camera. All following pictures were taken on December 3rd.
In other news, mom has gone a bit nuts with a new camera. All following pictures were taken on December 3rd.
Zev with Great-grandma |
Ben with the signature anime eyes |
Ben with Great-grandma |
Zev with new technology |
...and this is a good day |
Thursday, December 1, 2011
approaching 6 months
Thanksgiving came and went in a blur. Parents came for a visit and after three days, much too soon, were gone. Can't wait to see you guys in December! With my parents' visit, however, started the exposure to music. The keyboard my father played for the boys stands in the corner now like a silent reminder of Alla's and mine lack of musical talent. We do occasionally use the keyboard to play one of the stored melodies.
The boys continue to grow, get small amounts of solid food, and sleep a bit better after it. Not much else beyond that.
The boys continue to grow, get small amounts of solid food, and sleep a bit better after it. Not much else beyond that.
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November 28th. Ben trying soup for the first time in New Seasons supermarket |
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This is food? It can taste like this?? More!!! |
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December 1st. Very serious Zev resting |
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