Wednesday, October 26, 2011

sleep training, round 1

After much deliberation and a couple of rough nights, it was decided that it is time for sleep training.  The trial went reasonably well - Zev cried for 5 minutes, then for 10, then fell asleep without a sound.  The biggest victim was Mom, who chewed on her nails non-stop.

The next night we braced ourselves, prepared, and decided to do it proper.  Mom started us well, having managed to let Zev cry for a few minutes after the 6:30 meal.  I do believe she even has some nails left.

For the actual training Mom was banished over to Vika's house for what I was hoping (in vain) would be a decent night's sleep.  Equipped with instructions, several texts from Mom, and a repeated promise to kill me if I hurt the children, I settled in for the night.  Our friend and sitter Shawna came over to help and promised to stick with the program, also contrary to her nature.

The evening started with Zev waking up at 22:55 and demanding his meal loudly.  It took a few minutes to get organized (plastic ware was in the kitchen), which improved Zev disposition not one bit.  Per instructions, both boys had their diapers changed before the meal, which clearly did not help matters either.  In an attempt to provide speedier service I offered room temperature formula, which was rejected by both customers, leading to yet another bout of complaining about the service.  Clearly, I was not getting a tip.  To make matters worse, it took me a bit to realize that the plastic ware was not washed.  The night started rather ominously.
Finally, 8 wasted ounces of formula and minutes later, the food was offered in an acceptable way.  The boys ate.  Ben, in his usual fashion, went straight to sleep.  Zev complained about being put into the bed, and we were off.
Strictly per instructions, I comforted Zev and left.  The timer was set for 5 minutes and I settled in to wait.  To my surprise, in two minutes Zev was asleep.  And that, pretty much was the story for the night.  Ben slept straight through.  Zev woke at 3:30, ate some formula, cried for two more minutes and went to sleep again.  The story repeated around 6am, which was getting close to the actual wake up time.  By 6:15 mom (who hardly slept) was back and I was off to work.

Right now Alla is asleep.  Rita (Alla's mom) and I are getting ready to feed.  Everyone is pumped (OK, let me rephrase - we are all less anxious that we should be) for the second night of sleep training.  I really hope it goes as well as last night.  Because if it doesn't - well, I hope it does...

more October pictures

excited about a trip  10/15/11

Zev is happy to be going too 10/15/11
Zev practicing sitting (with some assistance) 10/17/11
Ben on a walk 10/26/11

October pics

Side by side, in the jungle.  10/3/11

Ben, ready for a walk.  10/6/11

Zev is ready too, in his own fashion.  10/6/11

Standing by for Bjorn load... 10/6/11

... and upclose
Ben loaded

Zev asleep, at his favorite place...

Monday, October 10, 2011

final few pics from September

All of these were taken on the 30th
Ben in a swing
Another night vision Ben.  Those red eyes must come in handy...
Smiling Ben
Zevi and the elephant

a few more pictures from late September

These were taken around 9/26

Ben big eyes
Night vision Ben
Zev, chilling

4 months; Yom Kippur

The boys turned 4 months recently.  For their "birthday" they got their vaccine injections, which made for formidable few days.  Naturally, Saturday was Yom Kippur which yours truly was observing.  The day was the first time I spent a significant portion of a day with the kids.  The boys too were observing Yom Kippur, after a fashion - they refused to eat normally, sleep normally, which naturally did not improve their tempters.  The combination of the fast with the kids acting up was memorable - certainly enough to make this one Jew wish he was at a temple.

By Sunday things were back to normal, more or less.  The kids actually had a great night, with Ben setting another personal record - sleeping from 11:30pm to 6am.  Zev still got mom to wake up and comfort him, but he is getting better about this too.  During the day today I finally got to see the boys in good tempters.  They played, talked to me, and showed their changing characters.  In a complete reversal, Zev, when fed and dry, is quite and contemplative, while Ben wants to run everywhere and learn everything immediately.  Ben is also more tolerant of technology - he actually was upset that he had to face away from the TV during one of the feedings (that just landed him upstairs where he ate without a fuss).  Zev likes to stare at the TV too, though he switches his attention happily.  The only other thing of note is that the boys have enthusiastically started their boxing training - I work with them on some combinations a few minutes a day and mom teaches them that punching balloons is fun.  There is no way this can possibly backfire, right?

I will continue to try to post pictures in chronological order.  I am still behind, but such is life.  Please stay tuned.

Ben outside the house

Zev having a good time

The boys are getting ready to go for a ride